Committee: Legislative

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Kentucky Organization of Nurse Leaders


Violence in Healthcare Remains a Hot Topic!

KONL is helping lead the charge to reduce healthcare violence in Kentucky! For news, as well as state and federal legislative updates, please click here!

Legislative Committee: Members of the Legislative Committee review legislation and public policy affecting health care, share findings with the membership, communicate to Legislators, and represent KONL, Inc. at state hearings, as needed.

Michelle Pendleton, Chair Norton Heatlhcare Ohio Valley
Belinda Burnette Methodist Hospital, Union County Twin Lakes
Laura Williams Bellarmine Ohio Valley
Joann Mattingly Norton Hospital Ohio Valley
Belinda Blair Owensboro Health Twin Lakes
Kim Dees KHA Ohio Valley
Frank Wilson Norton Hospital Ohio Valley
Courtney Hollingsworth St. Claire Bluegrass
Donna Meador KHA Ohio Valley
Sally Davenport Ephraim McDowell Health Cumberland
Stephanie Stratton Frankfort Bluegrass
Ina Glass Ephraim McDowell Health Cumberland
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