District: Cumberland

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Kentucky Organization of Nurse Leaders https://www.kyonl.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/konl-logo.png
https://www.kyonl.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/cumberland.jpg https://www.kyonl.com/district-cumberland/

KONL Cumberland District Meetings will be virtual on the following dates and times:

August 13th 10-11:30am

November 1st 10-11:30am

If you are interested in attending please contact Judy Ponder, Cumberland Director at judy.ponder@bhsi.com

Cumberlands District Director: Judy Ponder (judy.ponder@bhsi.com)

The Cumberlands district includes the south and eastern portions of the state, including Richmond, Somerset and Pikeville.

Check out the Events page for information on upcoming Cumberlands district meetings!

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