Greetings KONL Members,
As your new president I wanted to take a moment and introduce myself. My name is Brandy Mathews. I have been a member of KONL for a number of years and served as the Bluegrass district director for the last three years. I just completed 2 years as the region 3 representative on the board of directors for the American Organization for Nursing Leadership. This time has really re-ignited my passion for active participation in professional organizations and strengthening the voice and experience of nurse leaders.
The board of directors met in early January for a full day strategic planning session. We are excited to revitalize our organization and to increase the value that membership brings to our members. If you have ideas as to how we best accomplish that, please reach out. We will be sharing our strategic work plan and revised by laws in the near future.
I wanted to let you know about a few ways to become more involved in KONL.
- Renew your membership and encourage your colleagues to do the same. You can do this through our website
- Volunteer to lead or participate in a committee. We are currently seeking volunteers to serve as chair of the scholarship and membership committees and we are seeking volunteers from each district to serve on our other committees (nominations, scholarship, and membership). We will be seeking additional volunteers for other committees (legislative, programs, others) in the near future.
- Save the date for KONL day at the Kentucky Hospital Association annual convention on May 21, 2024. It will be held at the Central Bank Center in Lexington. Registration information will be posted soon.
- Join our Facebook page (look for the group Kentucky Organization of Nurse Leaders) and be on the lookout for new social media and updates to our website soon.
Thank you for all that you do each and every day to impact the care of people in Kentucky and to positively influence the profession of nursing. I look forward to working with you.
Brandy Mathews
2024 President